Marketing 101
Email Campaigns
- Campaigns Overview
- Creating and Sending a New Campaign to All Clients
- Sending a Targeted Campaign to Specific Clients
- How do I create a custom email Campaign?
- Designing and Building Your Own Campaign Template
- Saving a Campaign as a Draft
- Promotions Overview
- Creating a Promotion for a Service
- Creating a Promotion for a Gift Certificate
- Viewing a Promotions' Summary
- Previewing a Promotion's Page
- Copying a Promotion's Link
- Linking to Private Promotions in Autopilots
- Autopilot Overview
- Autopilot Sending Criteria
- Activating and Pausing an Autopilot
- Editing an Autopilot
- Adding a Call-to-Action Button to an Autopilot
Marketing FAQs
- How do I find the clients that have unsubscribed from my Email Campaigns?
- Can I Edit a Finished Promotion?
- Why are my Campaign Statistics and Metrics Inaccurate?
- Can I Book a Service Promo on the Schedule?
- How Do I Create a BOGO for a Service Promo?
- Can I Create a BOGO for a Gift Certificate Promo?