Each Autopilot includes a link to your MassageBook Business Website in the template so that a recipient can effortlessly book their next appointment via the email
You can also add your own custom call-to-action button to any of the emails if you want to direct Clients to a Promotion or another website.
To add a call-to-action button to an Autopilot, navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Marketing.
- Select Autopilot.
- Locate the Autopilot Name you want to add a button to.
- Select Edit next to the title to proceed to the Edit Automated Campaign page.
- Select Edit next to the Email Subject to proceed to the Edit Automated Campaign Email page.
- Under Design Your Email, select in a content box on the template to view the editor tools.
- Type in the text that you would like to display within the button and highlight that text.
- Select Button to open the Insert Button window.
- Enter the Link Destination URL.
- Select the Apply button styling checkbox.
- Use the available tools to customize the button's design (optional).
- Select OK to close the window and to add the button to the template.
- Select Save at the bottom to apply the change and to return to the Edit Automated Campaign page.
- The Bring 'Em Back includes five emails. Each is edited individually.
- If the site's formal address contains it, be sure to include https://www. when entering a link. For example, if you're adding a button that links to Google, use https://www.google.com as opposed to just www.google.com or google.com. This ensures that the button will open as intended when selected by a Client.