Promotions let you to run online deals on both Services and Series, allowing you to apply an automatic discount based on a percentage or dollar amount off the listed price of each item. Promotion pages can be used as digital "discount codes" or "coupon codes" that are shared online through email, social media, or physically via QR Code.
Each Service Promo comes with its own unique online booking page where the Service can be booked and paid for. In order to purchase a Promotion online, an appointment must be booked at that time. A Promotion cannot be purchased online without booking an appointment.
Multiple Services can be included in the same Promotion, but each one is booked separately. If you create a Promotion that includes multiple Services, each one will be listed on the booking page but will be booked individually. Including multiple Services does not mean that the Client is booking all in the same appointment.
To create a Promotion for a Service (or Series), navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Marketing.
- Select Promotions.
- Select +Create Promo to open (1) Name.
- Select Services(s) for the Promotion Type.
- Enter a Promotion Title. This is how the Promotion will be titled on its public booking page.
- Enter a Description. This is a summary of the Promotion and will in be included on its public booking page.
- You can find more information on formatting the Promotion's description here.
- Select Next to proceed to (2) Add Deals. Note: The Promotion is saved each time you select Next to advance.
- Select the Type dropdown menu to choose between In Office Service or Traveling Service.
- If your business only has 1 service type, this field will be greyed out.
- Select the Service dropdown menu to choose the Service or Series you're creating the Promotion for. Note: The item must be Active and Online in your Service Menu in order to be available for selection.
- Select the Duration dropdown menu to choose a single Duration or All. This is which durations will be available for booking. Note:
- If you just offer a single duration for the Service, selecting All only applies to the one.
- You will not be required to select a duration if you selected a Series in step 10. Each Series can only include a single duration.
- Enter an amount for the Discount, and select the dropdown menu to choose if it's a $ (dollar) or % (percent) off. This is how much will come off the item's listed price in your Service Menu, not how much the Promotion will cost.
- Select +Add Service (optional) to include another Service, and repeat steps 9 - 12 until all are added.
- Select Next to proceed to (3) Staff.
- Check Select All or individual Staff. This is which Service Providers will be available for booking. Note: Staff must be Active and Online, assigned to perform the selected Service(s), and have hours set up under Availability in order to be available for selection.
- Select Next to proceed to (4) Dates & Times.
- Select a Start Date. This is when the Promotion will become available for online booking. The booking page will be generated and can be shared upon completion of the Promotion, but the option to book will not show until the start date.
- Select an End Date. This is the last date the Promotion will be available for online booking. The Promotion will end at 11:59PM in the time zone entered under your Business Details. Once this date has passed, the booking page will update to notify visitors that it has expired.
- Select a Redeem by Date (optional). This is when the Promotion must be booked by and the last date that will show as available during online booking.
- If the Promotion includes a Series, only the first Series appointment will need to be booked by the "Redeem by Date". The remaining credits can be booked at any time.
- Choose your preferred availability:
- Allow booking of promotions during any available times. This means that the Promotion can be booked during any available time slot.
- Restrict promotion booking to available times on the following day(s) and time(s). This means that the only available online booking times for the Promotion will be based around your selections. Note: These days and times do not determine or override the Service Provider's online availability. These times must still fit within the days and hours added under the Availability section in order to be booked.
- To make your selections if you chose to restrict, check a Day select a timeframe Save.
- Select Next to proceed to (5) Summary.
- Select your Display and Booking Settings:
- Require Prepayment if all Clients must prepay to book.
- Display Promotion on My MassageBook Business Website if you want the Promotion to display publicly under on the Services page of your MassageBook Business Website and Massagebook Search Directory Listing. It will not appear there until the start date and will be removed after the end date. Deselect this setting if you wish to make the Promotion private and only available to the clients you share the Promotion link.
- Promotion Applies to First-Time Clients Only if only new Clients are eligible to book. A new Client is anyone booking online using an email address not on file in your Clients section.
- End promotion when total number sold reaches if you want to restrict how many appointments can be booked within the start and end date. This number displays publicly on the booking page as a countdown, and once reached, it will update to notify visitors that it has sold out.
- Limit Number of Bookings on Any Given Day to if you want to restrict how many appointments can be booked per day, not per client. This number does not display publicly, but once reached, visitors will be notified that the Promotion has reached today's limit. The option to book will be deactivated and will reactivate the following day.
- Closely review the Summary section to ensure you have configured the Promotion as desired.
- Be sure to click the Preview Promotion option to take a final look at your Promotion before creating it. Once the promotion is created, it cannot be edited.
- Select Create Promotion to complete and finalize the Promotion's details.
Afterwards, you'll be returned to the main page of the Promotions section, and your new Service Promo will be listed under its title.
Its unique booking page and link will automatically be generated, and you can begin sharing it through Campaigns and on social media.
- If you navigate away after completing (1) Name, the Promotion will be saved as a draft on the main page of the Promotions section. Select the Option dropdown to expand the menu and select Edit to pick up where you left off.
- A completed Promotion cannot be edited. It can only be paused or deleted.
- A Promotion cannot be created for a Package or Add-on. However, if an Add-on is assigned to the Service you're creating a Promotion for, it can be selected during online booking.
- Minimum Prepaid Deposit rules will override Promotional prepayment rules. If your Promotion is set to require prepayment, clients will have the option to fully prepay the Promotional Price, or pay the deposit percentage of the Promotional Price. If your Promotion DOES NOT require prepayment, but you do require a minimum deposit for regular bookings, then clients will be required to prepay either the minimum deposit or full amount to book the Promotion.
- Promotions will begin at 12:01am on the Start Date and end at 11:59pm on the End Date.
- Staff members must have accepted the invitation to join the business to display on Promotions page.