As of January 2nd, 2019, if you've chosen to allow new Clients to book through your Business Listing in the MassageBook Search Directory, all new Clients booking through there will be required to prepay in order to confirm their appointment.
If you're fully connected with Stripe or Square for credit card processing in MassageBook at the time of online booking, funds from that type of appointment will automatically be sent to the bank account associated with your Stripe or Square account.
If you are not connected with either at the time a new Client books and prepays through your Business Listing, an alert about owing you money will appear on your Business Dashboard and on the appointment on the Schedule. MassageBook will hold the funds until you've connected with Stripe for money transfers. Only Stripe can used to initiate the transfer. Once a connection for money transfers is detected, MassageBook will release the funds to the bank account associated with your Stripe account, and they'll deposit there based on Stripe's standard payout schedule.
To learn how to connect with Stripe for money transfers only, go here.
Once you've received the funds, you can choose to:
- Remain connected with Stripe for money transfers only so that you'll continue to automatically receive payment if another new Client books through your Business Listing and be able to collect MassageBook Gift Cards as a form of payment.
- Disable money transfers and then fully connect with Stripe for all payments so that you can charge credit cards directly in MassageBook and collect MassageBook Gift Cards as a form of payment.
- Remain connected with Stripe for money transfers only and fully connect with Square. Being connected with Square + Stripe for money transfers only allows you to charge cards directly in MassageBook and collect MassageBook Gift Cards as a form of payment.
Note: New Clients booking through your MassageBook Business Website will not be required to prepay if you have not activated that setting in Prepayment Rules. They will still have the option to pay in advance or pay after the appointment.