MassageBook allows you to accept and record tips for your appointments during the checkout process. The options for recording a tip will differ slightly depending on the payment method that you select.
To record a tip on Credit Card transaction:
- Navigate to the Schedule.
- Select the appointment you wish to checkout.
- Select the Check out button.
- Click Select Payment Method.
- Select Charge.
- Select from the pre-determined tip percentages or enter a custom tip amount.
- Enter the client's card information.
- Select Complete.
To record a tip on Cash/Check/Other transactions:
- Navigate to the Schedule.
- Select the appointment you wish to checkout.
- Select the Check out button.
- Click Select Payment Method.
- Select one of the Cash/Check/Other payment methods.
- Enter the total amount you received from the client via Cash/Check/Other into the "Total amount paid (tip included)" field. This amount should include the service price plus the tip.
- If the service is $100 and the client tips $10 you will enter $110 in the "Total amount paid (tip included)" field.
- Select Complete.
To record a tip on a Gift Certificate transaction:
If the Gift Certificate value is worth more than the service price plus the tip amount:
- Navigate to the Schedule.
- Select the appointment you wish to checkout.
- Select the Check out button.
- Click Select Payment Method.
- Select Gift Cert.
- Enter the Gift Certificate Code.
- Update the "Total amount paid (tip included)" field to include the total amount you wish to redeem the gift certificate for, including the tip amount.
- Select Record Payment.
If the Gift Certificate value is equal to the service price:
- Navigate to the Schedule.
- Select the appointment you wish to checkout.
- Select the Check out button.
- Select Add Product and create a product named "tip" that is priced at the client's tip amount.
- Click Select Payment Method.
- Select Gift Cert.
- Enter the Gift Certificate Code.
- Select Record Payment.
- Select the payment method you wish to use to record the tip amount.
- Enter the tip amount in the "Total amount paid (tip included)" field.
- Select Complete.
If the Gift Certificate value is less than the service price:
- Navigate to the Schedule.
- Select the appointment you wish to checkout.
- Select the Check out button.
- Click Select Payment Method.
- Select Gift Cert.
- Enter the Gift Certificate Code.
- Select Record Payment.
- Select the payment method you wish to use to record the payment for the remaining balance due plus the tip amount.
- Enter the remaining balance due plus the tip amount in the "Total amount paid (tip included)" field.
- Select Complete.
Note: Tipping is not currently available for in office Store Credit transactions. This will be updated in an upcoming release.