When checking out an appointment, there are eight different methods of payment to choose from: Square, Charge, Cash, Check, Gift Certificate, Other, Store Credit, and Card on File.
Square: Choose this method if the Client is paying with a credit card, and you're connected with Square using a tablet that supports Square's Point of Sale (POS) app.
Charge: Choose this method if the Client is paying with a credit card, and you're connected with Square using a computer or connected with Stripe. POS is not supported if using Square with a computer.
Cash: Choose this method if the Client is paying with cash.
Check: Choose this method if the Client is paying with a check. A check number can be included for record keeping.
Gift Certificate: Choose this method if the Client is paying with a MassageBook Gift Certificate. Only codes generated in MassageBook will work with this method.
Other: Choose this method if the Client is paying with something other than the available options. For example, you are processing a credit card outside of MassageBook, but you still want to check out the appointment and record the sale for record keeping. A description can be included.
Store Credit: Choose to apply Store Credit if the Client has any on file. The balance due will update accordingly based on how much is available and how much is applied.
Card on File: Choose this method to charge a client's card that has been saved on file during a previous transaction.