Income Report Column Breakdown
- Date = Transaction date
- Sales = Sub-Total - Discount
- Sub-Total = Service and/or Product price (as listed on receipt)
- Tips = Tips
- Expenses = Refunds + Credit Card Processing Fees + New Client Fees + Membership Fees
- Net Income = Sales + Tips - Expenses + Adjustments
- Sales Tax = Sales Tax
- Money Collected = Net Income + Sales Tax
- Alternatively, Money Collected = (Sales + Tips - Expenses + Adjustments) + Sales Tax.
- This report excludes dollars paid for by Business Gift Certificates and Store Credit. Thus, a split payment of $25 cash + $25 GC will have a Sales = $25.
- Adjustments can be positive or negative.
- MassageBook collects $.85 of each Convenience Fee. That amount is considered an Expense and included in the Credit Card Processing Fee of the transaction.
Income by Payment Type Report Column Breakdown
- Date = Transaction date
- Client = Client associated with payment
- Service = Service and/or Product associated with transaction
- Services will include checked out appointments or Pre-sold Service Credits sold through the Cash Register.
- Products will display with the Product name entered on the receipt.
- Custom Gift Certificate purchases will be labeled as ‘Gift Certificate’.
- Service Gift Certificates will display with the name of the associated service.
- Discount = Discount
- Tips = Tips
- Tax = Tax
- Sub-Totals = Service and/or Product price (as listed on the receipt)
- Total = Sub-Total - Discount + Tip + Tax - Refund + Adjustment
- Payment Method = Payment method
- This report includes dollars paid for by Gift Certificates, MassageBook Gift Cards, and Store Credit. Thus, a split payment of $25 cash + $25 GC will have a Sales = $50.
- This report does not account for Expenses attributed to credit card fees, membership fees, or new client fees.
- This report does account for Refunds.
- Adjustments can be positive or negative.
Sales by Staff Report Column Breakdown
- Purchase Date = Transaction date
- Appointment Date = Appointment date (blank if no appointment)
- Client = Client associated with the transaction
- Service = Services, Gift Certificates, and Products (as listed on the receipt)
- Duration = Duration of all Services included
- Payment Method = Payment Method
- Sub-Total = Service price + Convenience Fee - Discount
- Tips = Tip
- Total = Sub-Total + Tips + Adjustments - Expenses - Taxes
The date range filters by Appointment Date. The results are sorted by Appointment Date.
This report does not include dollars paid for with Business Gift Certificates or Store Credit. Thus, a split payment of $25 Cash + $25 Gift Certificate will have a Sub-Total = $25.
Items included in the Expenses adjustment are Refunds, Credit Card Processing Fees, New Client Fees, and Membership Fees.
This report does include Membership enrollments or renewals. Those transactions are assigned to the Business Owner.
Any Cash Register transactions that are not associated with an appointment are assigned to the Business Owner. For example, this would include a Product or Series sold individually through the Cash Register.
Sales by Service Report Column Breakdown
- Date = Transaction date
- Category of service = Type of service / Primary technique or modality (as currently listed in Setup > Service Menu)
- Service name = Service name (as listed on the receipt)
- Service cost = Service price (as listed on the receipt)
- This report lists the Totals as the amount of the service as listed on the receipt. The Total does not reflect Money Collected.
- This report does not include Series sales or Membership enrollments or renewals.