You can generate a history of payments for a specific payment method using the Income by Payment type report in your business' Sales section.
- Navigate to your Business tab.
- Select Sales.
- Select the Income by Payment Type report on the left side of the page.
- Enter the date range for the period that you want to report on.
- To view appointments paid with a specific method only, use the Filter tool and choose the payment method from the drop-down.
- Use the Print option to the far right to print the report, or select Export to download a CSV spreadsheet of the data and sort the data by client or however you would like.
Here's a breakdown of the report:
- Date = Transaction date
- Client = Client associated with payment
- Service = Service and/or Product associated with transaction
- Services will include checked out appointments or pre-sold service credits sold through the cash register
- Products will display with the product name entered on the receipt
- Custom gift certificate purchases will be labeled as ‘Gift Certificate’
- Service gift certificates will display with the name of the associated service
- Discount = Discount
- Tips = Tips
- Tax = Tax
- Sub-Totals = Service and/or product price (as listed on the receipt)
- Total = Sub-total - discount + tip + tax - refund + adjustment
- Payment Method = Payment method
- This report includes dollars paid for by gift certificates, MassageBook gift cards, and store credit. Thus, a split payment of $25 cash + $25 GC will have a Sales = $50.
- This report does not account for expenses attributed to credit card fees, membership fees, or new client fees.
- This report does account for refunds.
- Adjustments can be positive or negative.