Aside from advertising your Business Listing in the MassageBook Search Directory, you can also promote yourself through your own means by sharing your MassageBook Business Website Address. It's a direct link to your site that you can share with new and existing clients.
To locate yours, navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Setup.
- Select Share Profile.
- Locate Your website address.
- Select Copy to copy it to your device's clipboard.
- Paste and share wherever you please!
To change your Business Website Address, navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Setup.
- Select Business Details.
- Edit your MassageBook Business Website Address shortcut. By default, your name will populate in the provided field. If the name you choose is already taken, you'll be prompted to enter another selection. Alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores only please.
- You can quickly share to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn using the provided tools under Share Profile.
- When sharing your Business Website, be sure to include the "?src=external" portion in the address. It's what's used to distinguish your Business Website vs. Business Listing.