The information added to Business Details provides visitors with location and contact information, hours of operation, and other ways to connect with your Business online.
The address, city, state, and zip code ensure visitors to the MassageBook Search Directory can find your Business in your geographic area.
Contact and location information is also added to Client facing communication such as appointment confirmations and reminders.
To add your information, navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Setup.
- Select Business Details.
- Select your Timezone from the dropdown.
- Add your Business Name.
- Add your Establishment License #. Some states, cities, or municipalities require Businesses to display an establishment license on anything they use to promote or advertise their Business. If your Business operates in one of these areas, please add that license (prefixes like MM# included) to the field so we can display it online for you.
- Add your Address. If you do not want the address to display publicly on your Business Listing, check This is an outcall-only Business. This allows you to be listed in the Search Directory and for Clients to book online while keeping your address hidden.
- Add your Contact Information. Your phone number will display publicly on your Business Listing. Your email address will not though. If a Client messages you via the Contact page on your Business Listing or responds to a Campaign or Autopilot email from your Business, the email will be delivered to this address.
- Add your Existing Business Website Address if you have your own website outside of MassageBook. It will be included on your Business Listing.
- Choose your MassageBook Business Website Address shortcut. By default, your Business name will populate in the provided field. If the name you choose is already taken, you'll be prompted to enter another selection. Alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores only please. Note: Use this address when sharing your MassageBook Business Website, and be sure to include the 'biz' portion.
- Add Social Business Links if you use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Links to those places will be included on your Business Listing. They'll also be used in Autopilot emails that generate traffic to those social sites. Note: Only add the unique portion of your address. Do not include the entire website address in the provided field.
- Set your Business Hours. Select the checkbox next to each day that the Business is open, and choose the time frame from the dropdown menus. These days and times will display on your Business Listing. If you'd rather the time frame not show, check By Appointment Only to display that next to each day instead. Note: Business Hours are for display purposes only. They DO NOT determine online booking availability or availability shading on your Schedule. Availability hours are set in Settings > Availability. If you're the only Staff, the hours entered here will automatically be added to Availability.
- Select Save to complete Business Details.
Now that you've completed Business Details, you're ready to add photos and a description to About. To learn more, go here.
Note: If you edit Business Details, such as changing your Business name or address, the changes automatically take effect throughout MassageBook. The Business Details section must be completed in order for appointment confirmations and reminders to populate and send.