If you are not seeing the tip options when checking out a client through Square, it is likely that you do not have tipping enabled in your Square account. To enable tipping, use the steps below:
Open your Square POS app on your mobile device.
Select the More button (3 lines) at the bottom right of the app..
Select Settings.
Select Checkout.
Select Tipping.
Toggle Collect Tips to the on position.
Make adjustments as needed to the other options on the screen.
For more on tipping through Square, please click here.
If, after enabling the Collect Tips option, you still are not presented with the tips options please confirm that your Square app is configured to collect signatures. To enable signatures, use the steps below:
- Open your Square POS app on your mobile device.
- Select the More button (3 lines) at the bottom right of the app.
- Select Settings from the menu.
- Select Signature and receipt.
- Toggle Collect Signatures to the on position (blue).
- Make adjustments as desired to the other options on the screen.