At this time, you cannot add an expiration date to Gift Certificates. However, there is a work-around available involving Custom Certificates. Custom Certificates are simply a name and $ amount. So you can create Custom Certificates with expiration information in the name.
- Create Custom Certificates using the steps found by clicking here.
- In the Description field, include the expiration information. For instance, if you'd like your Gift Certificates to be valid for one year you can name your Custom Certificate something like:
60 min Deep Tissue (exp. in 1 yr) - Repeat for all of your desired Gift Certificates.
- Disable any/all Service Certificates you might have activated using the steps found by clicking here. For Step 7, you will be un-checking the Gift Certificate Available box(es).
The end result of these steps will be a Gift Certificates that explicitly communicate the expiration information. What the steps won't accomplish is expiring the Gift Certificates for you. In order to do that, you'll be track and expire using the Gift Certificate Report and our process for expiring Gift Certificates:
- Select Sales on the blue toolbar.
- Select the Reports tab.
- Select Gift Certificates.
- View the Purchase Date on the left to find Gift Certificates purchased at the end of the expiration period.
- Once you've identified Gift Certificate(s) that need to be expired, you can follow the steps found by clicking here.