Custom Certificates are Gift Certificates that include a title and dollar amount of your choice. The gift code that's generated at the time of purchase is good for the dollar amount that's listed for the Custom Certificate.
To create a Custom Certificate, navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Marketing.
- Select Gift Certificates.
- Select Custom Certificates.
- Select Create New.
- Enter a Dollar Amount. The value of the Gift Certificate is determined by the dollar amount entered, not by the title.
- Enter a Description. This is how it will display on your public Gift Certificates page.
- Check Active and Online if you want it to be available for online purchase. Check just Active if you only want it to be available for sale through the Cash Register.
- Select Save to create the Custom Certificate.
- Custom Certificates are purchased online under the Dollar Amount Gift Certificates section of your MassageBook Business Website.
- Custom Certificates are ordered by dollar value.
- If only a dollar amount is entered, the title will default to $X Gift Certificate. For example, if just $100 is entered, the title will default to $100 Gift Certificate.
- You must have a subscription or active trial to the Amplify plan.
- Connecting to Square or Stripe All Payments is required in order for Gift Certificates to be purchased online by your clients.