By default, the Business Schedule's Sidebar Menu is condensed to allow for a greater viewing area, but you can toggle it at anytime to access the available tools. Select the Grid Icon in the top left corner of the Schedule to open and close it.
In the Sidebar Menu, you'll find:
Date Picker: Use the calendar to quickly move to past and future days, weeks, months, and years. The current date is circled in blue, and the selected date is circled in orange. The Schedule view updates to the selected date.
Filter by Staff: By default, all events and availability shading for all Staff show when you access the Schedule. Use this tool to change whose events and availability shading show on the selected view at the current time.
Search Clients: Use this tool to view a list of a Client's upcoming appointments. Search for a name and select an appointment in the list to open the appointment details. Note: Both past and future appointments are listed in the Activity section of the Client's record.
Day Of Appointments: All upcoming appointments on the current day are listed at the bottom of the menu. Select one to open the appointment details. Once the start time has passed, the appointment will no longer show in the list.