Schedule Settings let you to customize the look of the Schedule, allowing you to color code your appointments and customize other display options on your Business Schedule. Settings are account specific, so each Staff can choose which best suits their needs.
To set your preferences, navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Schedule.
- Select the Settings Icon
in the top right corner of the Schedule to open the Schedule Settings window. Note: If you're taken to Availability, then you've selected Business Settings, not Schedule Settings.
- Check Appointment Options to autofill appointment details based on the Client's last appointment. When booking a new appointment for a Client who has had an appointment in the past, the Service Provider, Room, Service and Duration for the new one will automatically be filled in based on the last one's information.
- Check Display Options to choose which hours display on the Schedule. For example, you can limit the Schedule to only show between 9am - 6pm. This allows you to adjust the view and to hide non-working hours if you prefer.
- Choose your preferred Shading of unavailable times. Available times are white and unavailable times are your choice of gray.
- Choose your preferred Display start of week on. Sunday or Monday only.
- Choose your preferred Text Color to show on appointment blocks. Black or white only.
- Choose your preferred Color options for appointments. You can:
- Not color appointments.
- Color by Staff using default colors or the color swatch.
- Color by Service using the color swatch.
- Select Apply to save your preferences and to return to the Schedule.
- Depending on your screen size, the Video Help icon may be covering the Schedule Settings icon. In these cases, you can move the Video Help icon by following these steps:
1. Click the Video help icon in the upper right of the page
2. Double click the Play icon at the top of the window that appears.
3. Click the Move buttons to move the window to another area of the page. - Text and appointment colors also apply to the mobile app's Schedule.
- If an event is scheduled to start outside of your Display Options, the hours will adjust to accommodate that event's start time. For example, if your Display Options are 10am - 6pm but you book an appointment at 8am, the hours will adjust to 8am - 6pm for that specific week. When you navigate to the next week, the hours will revert to the default ones.