If you have a client with a credit card already on file in your Stripe or Square account, you can link their client record to their Stripe or Square customer record during Membership enrollment. You will then be able to manage the client's credit cards in either location. If you bypass this option during enrollment, a new customer record will be created in Stripe or Square once you have enrolled the client in a Membership.
To enroll a client in a Membership, navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Clients to open your list.
- Search for and select the Client to open their record.
- Under the Memberships tab, select Purchase Membership.
- Make your selection from the list of Active Memberships and select Next.
- In the Payment Method modal, enter the client's credit card information or select the option to link the client to an existing customer in Square or Stripe.
- If you select to Add a New Card, a customer record will be created for the client in either Stripe or Square.
- If you select link the client's Stripe record or link the client's Square record, a modal with all of your existing customers will display. Choose the client's name from the list and select Next:
If the client has multiple cards on file, select the card you want to use for their Membership payment method. Selecting Add a New Card will save the card information in both MassageBook and Stripe or Square:
- Select Next.
- Review the Membership Billing Details prior to enrolling the client. The Enrollment Date will default to today's date, but if you need to change it, select Edit next to Start Date and select a new date. Note: This is the date of the client's first charge. No credits will be available on the client's account until this date.
- Select Confirm Membership Purchase.
- When a client is enrolled into a membership, the card added to their membership is saved on file in your connected Square/Stripe account. The client's credit card information is not saved directly within MassageBook.
Membership payments will be processed the same time of the day that the client was initially enrolled (i.e. if the client is enrolled at 12pm, their renewal payment will be processed at 12pm on their renewal date).
- This will also apply to the Start Date of the membership if it is set to enroll the client at a future date.