MassageBook Manager lets you check out an appointment and take payment through Square without the need of using the Square POS app. Since MassageBook Manager offers an integrated checkout experience through Square, your Square bluetooth reader will need to be connected to MassageBook Manager rather than the Square POS app. If you are having troubles connecting your Square reader, ensure it is not connected within the Square app. To disconnect your reader from the Square app, you can go to bluetooth settings on your device and choose "Forget Device" for the Square reader.
To check out with Square, follow the steps below:
Tap an appointment within your schedule to open the Booking Details page.
- If you are in the Agenda view, you can also swipe right on the appointment to see a checkout option.
Tap Checkout.
Link card on file allows you to select a customer that you have previously added within Square. If they have a card on file, then that will be linked for payment.
- Note: Currently, the customer profile and credit card information will need to be added in Square first. Or the card will need to be added during checkout in the mobile app. If the client selected to save their card during online booking, the card information saves in your square account, but MassageBook does not allow that card information to be used during check out at the moment.
- Add Item allows you to add services, products, or promotions to the sale. Note: any services added during checkout will be added to the client’s record as a prepaid credit to use in the future.
- Edit Total allows you to discount the total amount due.
Link card on file allows you to select a customer that you have previously added within Square. If they have a card on file, then that will be linked for payment.
- Tap Next.
- Tap the Gear Icon next to Pay with Square to begin connection to your Square reader.
- Tap Connect Reader and press the button down on your Square reader until all lights flash orange.
- Select Pay with Square after your Square reader has connected.
- Select a card on file, or select Swipe, dip, or tap.
- Dip, tap, or swipe the card and complete payment.
Important Note: If you connected Square to your MassageBook account before February 2023 you may need to disconnect and reconnect to Square within the desktop version of your MassageBook account. If you are having any trouble with accepting Square payments or connecting your Square reader, click here.
If needed, you can disconnect and reconnect to Square by following these steps:
- Log in at
- Click Settings
- Click Credit Card Payments
- Click Disable beside Square
- Once disconnected, click Connect with Square and reconnect
Important Note: If you have clients enrolled in memberships, then disconnecting from your Square account may wipe their saved card. Once you reconnect your Square account, you can follow these steps to select the client's saved payment card again:
- Navigate to the client's record.
- Select the Memberships tab.
- In the Payment Information section, select the Edit button.
- Select Link the client's Square record.
- Use the search bar to find the client's Square record.
- Select the circle next to their name and click Next.
- Select Refresh Cards on file from Square.
- Select the circle next to the card you'd like to use and click Save.
If you don't see any saved cards, then you may need to reach out to the client and collect their card information again.