MassageBook review requests is based on certain criteria so that all reviews are from verified appointments with the business and provider. If a client wishes to leave a review with your business, their appointment will need to meet the following criteria in order to trigger a review request to the client: Criteria for Review Requests to send.
The request is sent to the client's email inbox and is filled out through the link in the email. You can read more about the process of submitting the review as a client here. Once the review has been submitted, it will display on the Reviews page of your website immediately.
Note: If a client selects to leave their review anonymously, there will be a delay in the review's visibility on your website to help maintain the anonymity of the client.
Additionally, once a client submits a review they will not be sent a request to review that service again for 1 year to prevent clients from receiving a request each time they visit your business. You can read more about how often the review request emails are sent here: How often do clients receive a Review Request?