Premium SOAP Notes include the ability to automatically create Subjective and Objective notes by using a series of dropdown menus. The answers are formatted into a sentence after an option from each menu is selected, and an orange dot is added to the body chart to indicate where the note applies.
To add an auto-create note to a new Premium SOAP Note, navigate to your:
- Personal Profile.
- Select SOAP Notes.
- Type in Search Clients to locate and select a Client to open their history.
- Select +New Blank to open a blank SOAP Note.
- Select the Note button.
- Select on the body chart where you want to add a dot. Note: To zoom in to a deeper layer, select the Layers button first.
- Select either Subjective or Objective to open the auto-create window.
- Select each dropdown menu to choose an option that best suits the symptoms or findings.
- Select Save to structure your selections into a sentence and add a dot to the body chart.
- Add other notes as needed, and complete any remaining requirements.
- Select Save to complete the SOAP Note and add it to the Client's record.
Note: Your subscription must include Premium SOAP Notes in order to use the Note tool. Simplify or Amplify only.