You can upload a file to a SOAP Note if you have additional notes, forms, insurance claims, or other important documents that you need to attach. PDF and JPG formats only and 4MB or less per file.
To upload a file to a new SOAP Note, navigate to your:
- Personal Profile.
- Select SOAP Notes.
- Type in Search Clients to locate and select a Client to open their history.
- Select +New Blank to open a blank SOAP Note.
- Select the Upload File button to browse and locate a file on your device. Repeat to upload multiple files. Note: To remove a file after uploading, select the X next to its name.
- Add notes as needed and complete requirements. Note: A Provider Name must be selected in order to save a copy.
- Select Save to complete the SOAP Note and add it to the Client's record.
In the Client's SOAP Notes history, "File Attached: File Name" will be listed next to the note. Select it to open and view the file.
Note: If editing a SOAP Note to upload a file, select the Edit button first to activate the Upload File button.