You can save/download a SOAP Note as a PDF file to your device through your web browser. You can then send the file as an attachment through your own email provider outside of MassageBook. Please note that the same process can be used for Intake Forms.
Chrome/Firefox on desktop/laptop computer:
- Navigate to the Business tab.
- Select Clients.
- Select the name of the client whose SOAP Note you would like to email to pull up their client profile.
- Select SOAP Notes and choose the note you would like to send.
- Select the Print button to open the Print Options window.
- Choose Print with Anatomical Image or Print Notes Only to open the Print Preview window.
- In the Destination drop-down, select Save as PDF.
- Select Save at the bottom of the Print Preview window.
Safari on desktop/laptop computer:
- Navigate to the Business tab.
- Select Clients.
- Select the name of the client whose SOAP Note you would like to email to pull up their client profile.
- Select SOAP Notes and choose the note you would like to send.
- Select the Print button to open the Print Options window.
- Choose Print with Anatomical Image or Print Notes Only to open your browser's print preview.
- Select Save as PDF in the drop-down between the Show Details and Cancel buttons.
- Choose where you would like to save the PDF on your computer. You can also change the file's name. The default name will be "Massagebook".
- Select Save.
Any browser (Safari/Chrome/Firefox) on iPhone/iPad:
- Navigate to the Business tab.
- Select Clients.
- Select the name of the client whose SOAP Note you would like to email to pull up their client profile.
- Select SOAP Notes and choose the note you would like to send.
- Select Print at the top right of the note.
- Place two fingers next to each on the image of the SOAP note then separate your fingers very quickly. A new view of the image will appear.
- Select the share icon (box with arrow in it) in the top right.
- Scroll down to Save to Files.
- Choose the location you want to save the SOAP note to.
- Select Save in the top right corner.