When booking online, Clients can select appointment start times based on several factors, including:
- The start and end time of your daily availability hours.
- The duration of the Service.
- The amount of Prep and Recovery Time assigned to the Service.
- The start and end times of other appointments and Blocked Time currently on the Schedule.
- The selected start time intervals in Online Booking Rules (on the quarter hour, half hour, or hour).
For example, if:
- You have Tuesday availability from 12pm - 7:30pm.
- The Client is booking a 60 minute Service.
- The Service does not require Prep Time but includes 30 minutes of Recovery Time.
- There are no other events on the Schedule.
- Start times are set to 15 minute intervals.
Start times will be available every 15 minutes from 12pm - 6pm (12pm, 12:15pm, 12:30pm, 12:45pm, etc.)
To limit available options so that Clients can only select your preferred start times instead, you can add your availability in increments throughout the day based on what best suits your needs. Here is the guide on how to add, and remove your Availability.
Removing Recurring Availability
In the above example, if you only want 12pm, 1:30pm, 3pm, 4:30pm, and 6pm to be available so that you can serve five 60 minute appointments with 30 minutes in between each, you need to:
- Add Tuesday availability in five separate blocks from 12pm - 1:30pm, 1:30pm - 3pm, 3pm - 4:30pm, 4:30pm - 6pm, and 6pm - 7:30pm.
- Set start time intervals to 30 minutes.
When booking online, only the aforementioned start times will be available. If 12pm is selected, the appointment will end at 1pm, and the extra 30 minutes will accommodate the Recovery Time. The same rules will apply to the other start times as well.
Note: When booking on the Schedule, your start times are not limited to those choices. You have complete control over the selected start time for each appointment.