My Details is where you enter your name and choose your MassageBook Personal Website Address.
The address provided in My Details ensures visitors to the MassageBook Search Directory can find you in your geographical area.
To get started, navigate to your:
- Personal Profile.
- Select Listing.
- Select My Details.
- Enter your First Name and Last Name.
- Select your Gender. Public visitors looking for services may have a gender preference. By selecting your gender, you’ll show when public visitors search for that criteria.
- Choose your Personal Website Address shortcut. By default, your name will populate in the provided field. If the name you choose is already taken, you'll be prompted to enter another selection. Alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores only please. Use this address when sharing your Personal Website, and be sure to include the 'me' portion.
- Enter your Address. This address does not display publicly, but accuracy is critical for displaying proper search results in the directory.
- Select Save to complete My Details.
Now that you've completed My Details, you're ready to add a photo and bio to About. To learn more, go here.