If MassageBook is notifying you that you do not have a Facebook business page when attempting to activate Facebook Connect:
- Sign out of Facebook in the browser you're using to connect.
- Turn off any pop-up blockers that are enabled in the browser.
- Navigate back to Facebook Connect in your Business Profile.
- Select Connect Your Facebook Page, and a window should appear for you to enter the Facebook sign in credentials for the account that manages the business page.
- Follow the remaining prompts to complete connection.
- If you continue to receive the notification about not having a page, clear the browser's cache and reattempt the process.
- As of February 5th, 2018, Facebook requires a business page to have 2,000+ likes in order for any third party applications to integrate with it. Because of this restriction, you will not be able to activate Facebook Connect unless your business page has 2,000+ likes. If you do not meet this requirement, you can add a call-to-action button as an alternative way to add MassageBook booking options to it. To learn more, go here.