Within a client's record, you will now see a full history of all completed forms. So if a client updates their form after the first time they fill it out, you will see the original submission and the updated one.
To view a client's submitted forms, you can follow these steps:
- Open a client's record. This can be done a few different ways as listed below:
- Go to the Clients section of your business profile and select the client's name
- Click a client's appointment then click Details
- Click Intake Forms
Within the Intake Forms tab, you will see a history of all submissions along with any sent forms that have not yet been completed.
- View - click View next to any completed form to see the full form and all information submitted by the client.
- Send to Update - click Send to Update next to any completed form to send an email to the client to update their form
- Resend - click Resend next to any sent, but not completed, form to resend the email to the client.
Note: If a client completed a form before the new Forms & Documents update, you will see the "Legacy Intake Form" on the Intake Forms tab for that client. Viewing the "Legacy Intake Form" will display all information submitted by the client within that form.