The reason you received an email titled SMS Message Undeliverable is because the email included terms that SMS text message providers now block. The terms blocked include anything interpreted related to the marketing/advertising of cannabis-related products such as CBD. The full list of currently blocked terms are below:
- cbd
- cannabis
- cannabidiol
- cannabinol
- delta-8
- hemp
- c.b.d.
- c-b-d
- CBD/
- thc
Please note that this only applies to text messages. Appointment Reminder, Appointment modification, and Appointment Cancellation emails will still be sent to the client uninterrupted but, if the client requires a text update, please follow up through another channel. Add-Ons with CBD in the title are permitted, since the Add-On is not listed in text message.
Moving forward, changing the Service's title to exclude the specific word(s) mentioned above should resolve the situation and all SMS text messages will be sent normally. We recommend moving these words out of the Service's name and into the Service's description so your clients can still find the right service. To learn how to edit a Service, please click here.