If you're stuck in a loop when trying to create an account or reset a password, and receiving one of the following errors, read on:
- "account already exists"
- "The email address entered already exists"
- "no registered user with that email address"
If you are a client: You are likely on the sign up page for massage therapists and businesses, instead of the account creation page for clients. Go to this account creation page instead: https://www.massagebook.com/register/massage-recipient/. Be sure to use the address that your massage therapist has on file.
If you are a massage therapist or service provider: Your email address is in use either in another account made long ago, or in a business' Client List as a client. Follow one of the choices below:
- If you have a client account that you use actively, login and change the email. If you're using a gmail account, you can add +client and your emails will route to your same inbox: johnsmith+client@gmail.com will route emails to johnsmith@gmail.com
- If you are not using a client account on MassageBook, then you either started an account long ago, or a business does have you in their Client List with the email address you're trying to use. Write into support@massagebook.com and we'll clear it out for you on the backend.