Adding a Tag to a Client's record lets you group your Clients into categories.
For example, if you work with lots of runners, bikers, and swimmers, you can add a Tag titled "Athletes" to each of their records. Or, if you work at a Business with multiple Staff and you each see different Clients, you can add a Tag with the Service Provider's name on a per record basis as a way to differentiate them in your list.
To add a Tag to a single Client's record:
- Open MassageBook Manager.
- Open the menu in the top left corner of the screen.
- Select Clients to open your list.
- Search for and select the Client to open their record.
- Under the Details tab, select Edit tags.
- If the client already has tags, select the pencil icon to the right of the existing tag(s).
- Type in the name of the tag.
- If a new tag, select "Add new tag".
- If adding an existing tag, select it from the suggestions that appear.
- Select Save.
To add a Tag to more than one record at a time, navigate to your:
- Open MassageBook Manager.
- Open the menu in the top left corner of the screen.
- Select Clients to open your list.
- Tap the profile icon to the left of each client's name to select their record.
- Select the Tag Icon at the top right of the screen.
- Type in the name of the tag.
- If a new tag, select "Add new tag".
- If adding an existing tag, select it from the suggestions that appear.
- Select Save to add the Tag to all of the selected records and to return to your list.