By enabling Reviews, you'll be able to collect feedback from actual, verified appointments. Reviews help a business rank highly on Google and MassageBook search results. Positive reviews have a dramatic impact on converting online visitors to booked clients. To enable the feature, navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Reviews.
- Select Turn it on!
- Navigate to Settings.
- Select Outgoing Messages.
- Select Client Messages.
- Select the Review Request checkbox.
Review requests are automatically emailed to the client and completed via their inbox. Requests send based on the following criteria:
- The feature is ON.
- Review Requests are checked in Outgoing Messages.
- The client has an email address on file in their Details.
- The appointment is checked out within the number of days selected in Review Request Settings. For example, if Review Request Settings are set to send 2 days after an appointment, appointments checked out 3 or more days after the appointment date will not automatically be sent a request.
For multi-staff businesses, clients will be asked to review both the Business and their Service Provider. A Service Provider's reviews are visible under the Personal tab in the Service Provider's account.
Note: Google may pull your MassageBook reviews into the "reviews from the web" section of your Google Business Listing, but MassageBook is unable to control whether or not Google displays your MassageBook reviews in your Google Business Listing.