SOAP Notes can be created in multiple way through the MassageBook Manager mobile app. This article will cover all possible paths.
Within your Dashboard you will see the Appointments Without SOAP Notes widget appear at the top of your dashboard when an appointment has been checked out, but a SOAP Note has not yet been created. This Dashboard widget will display appointments with these rules in mind:
- Appointments within the past 7 days that have no SOAP Note attached.
- Only 5 appointments will display at a time.
- If there are more than 5 appointments that need notes within the past 7 days, then after creating a note for one appointment, another appointment will take its place within the 5 that display.
To create a SOAP Note from this widget, you can tap the Create SOAP Note button that displays for the appointment.
A SOAP Note can be created from an appointment on the schedule by following these steps:
- View the Schedule.
- Tap an appointment.
- Within the Agenda view, you can swipe left on a checked out appointment to see an option to create a SOAP Note. If you take this path, you can skip to step 4.
- If the appointment has not been checked out, you can tap the action menu (...) and choose Create SOAP.
- If the appointment has been checked out, you can tap the Create SOAP Note button at the bottom of the page.
- In both cases, since the note is created from an appointment, the client, date, time, staff, and service will all be entered automatically.
- Enter text within the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan fields.
- Tap Save.
Client Record
To create a SOAP Note from a client's record, you can follow these steps:
- Tap the Main Menu.
- Tap Clients.
- Search and tap a client's name.
- Tap the SOAP Notes tab.
- Tap Create Note to start a blank note.
- Select the Date, Time, Staff, and Service of the appointment.
- Enter text into the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan fields.
- Tap Save.
To copy a previous note from a client's record, you can follow these steps:
- Tap the Main Menu.
- Tap Clients.
- Search and tap a client's name.
- Tap the SOAP Notes tab.
- Tap a previously created note.
- Tap the Copy icon in the upper right of the SOAP details page.
The text entered in your previous note will now be pre-filled into the new note.