Permissions allow you to control which sections of your Business Profile that Staff can access from with their accounts.
By default, Staff are automatically assigned all Permissions when added to your Business.
To adjust which Permissions are assigned per Staff, navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Setup.
- Select Staff.
- Select the Staff's Settings (or Name) to open Staff Details.
- Select Permissions.
- Check or uncheck each Section to add or remove.
- Select Save to apply the changes and to return to the Staff page.
When Staff log into their accounts, they'll only be able to access the sections you've assigned. For example, if Sales is deselected, the Sales section will not be visible in that Staff's account.
- Only the Business Owner can adjust Permissions. Staff cannot adjust other Staff's Permissions.
- For Staff to manage one-off availability within the MassageBook mobile app, the Staff will need Schedule and Business Setup permissions enabled. Otherwise, Staff can manage their availability from the desktop version under the Personal tab.
- The minimum permissions required for a staff member to Book Appointments, View Intake Forms, Create SOAP Notes, and Checkout Appointments are: Scheduling, Client Contacts, and Cash Register.