Google calendar has three different areas where timezone can be set up. They must ALL be set to the same timezone in order for your Massagebook appointments to sync properly to Google Calendar. If you are seeing a time discrepancy between your appointments in Massagebook and those same appointments once synced to Google Calendar please follow the instructions below:
Check the Timezone for All Google Calendars:
1. Open Google Calendar.
2. In the top right corner, click the Settings icon and then Settings.
3. In the Your current time zone section, choose your time zone from the drop-down menu.
4. If you don't see the time zone you want, check the box next to Display all time zones.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Check the time zone for a single calendar:
1. Open Google Calendar.
2. On the left side of the page, click My calendars.
3. Hover over the calendar you want to update and click the drop-down menu.
4. Click Calendar Settings.
5. In the Calendar time zone section, click Select my time zone.
6. Choose your time zone from the drop-down menu. If you don't see the time zone you want, check the box next to Display all time zones.
7. Click Save.
Change the time zone for a single event:
1. Open Google Calendar.
2. Click the event you want to edit and then Edit event.
3. Next to the time of the event, click Time zone.
4. Pick the time zone for the event.
5. Click Done.
Once you have followed the 3 sets of instructions above, please follow the instructions below:
- Sign out from Google Calendar/Gmail on the device you're using
- Navigate to Settings > Google Sync. Then disconnect the Google Sync by ONLY selecting the option to Remove all Synced events.
Do not click the "Disconnect" button! Only click "Remove All Synced Events”!
(give 5-10 minutes to completely un-sync)
- Please delete MassageBook appointments from your Google Calendar. If they are not removed, duplicates will be produced during our next set of steps.
- Re-connect the Sync (effectively signing back into Google)
- Create any random blocked time or appointment within the next 30 days to initiate the sync (give 15-20 minutes to completely re-sync)