Once a client's card has been saved on file, it can then be charged at any time via the Cash Register or during appointment checkout. Credit card information can be saved on file during payment in the mobile app: Saving a Card on File during Checkout.
To charge a Credit Card on File in MassageBook Manager:
- Select an appointment and tap Checkout.
- Select Next.
- Select Pay with credit/debit card or Pay with Square.
- You can swipe left or right to view all saved cards on this client's account.
- Select Pay With: xxxx-5555 to select the card and complete the transaction.
*The information below applies to Square users only*
Credit card information can be saved on file in two ways via the mobile app:
- Save the card directly in Square: Holding Credit Cards on File in Square.
- Save the during checkout in the MassageBook Manager app: Saving a Card on File during Square checkout in MassageBook Manager.
During checkout, you will need to ensure that the connected Square customer profile displays under the link that says Card on file, located just below the client's name in the checkout process. If you do not see a Square customer profile linked already, then click Link card on file, and select the corresponding Square customer file.