Tags are grouped together on the left side of the Clients section, and the number next to each name is how many Clients have that specific Tag on their record.
To view Clients by a single Tag, navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Clients.
- On the left side under Tags, select a Tag Name. Your list will update to only show Clients who have that Tag on their record.
- To reset your list, select All Clients under Tags.
To view Clients by two or more Tags, navigate to your:
- Business Profile.
- Select Clients.
- Select Filter at the top of your list.
- Select the Filter By dropdown menu to view the available options.
- Select Client Tag. Two more dropdown menus will appear.
- In the second menu, select Client Has Tag.
- In the third menu, select a Tag Name.
- Select the green + button to apply the filter. Your list will update to only show Clients who have that Tag on their record.
- Select the +Add Criteria dropdown menu.
- Repeat steps 5 - 8. Your list will update to only show Clients who have both of those Tags on their record. Note: Filters are not exclusive of one another, meaning results will narrow each time you add one. If two filters are added, a Client must fall under both to be included.
- Repeat until all Tags are selected.
- To reset your list and to return to the main view, select Filter at the top.